Here is a look in my Sunday School room. Some things are still being developed and need stuff added to the area as we just moved to a new class room a few weeks ago.
This Sunday we are learning about Day 3 of Creation. On one table I have this sensory tray and the one below. This one has black beans, artificial flowers, shovels and containers.
This tray is black pebbles, artificial flowers, rake, and flower jar with the arrangement guide attached.
Our other table is where I will be helping the kids make their own plant to bring home. They will add the soil, seed and some water. I attached the scripture we will be using to the pots. "The God said, 'Let the land produce vegetation:"
This is our science area. We were currently in our spring quarter so it is still bugs as the children enjoyed them.
Our reading area.
This is a look at our flower shop area.
Our baby care center. This is by far the MOST popular center. There are real diapers, baby clothes, a bath tub, bottles, blankets, rags, bibs and babies. At one point every Sunday all the kids have a baby and are sitting on the floor changing and playing with them. This is the QUIETEST center too!
Our blocks shelf. Below are some close-up pictures of what is on each shelf.
This basket has different floor samples from Home Depot (which are all FREE!). The small fence basket has different mini animals I had.
This basket is just a branch from a tree cut into pieces. Great way to add texture and nature to this area, along with the samples in the picture above.
Our wooden blocks, each block has a paper template behind it to help guide the children when putting them away.
This is the start of our Safe Place that is used in Conscious Discipline by Becky Bailey. We are still working on this area.
Our Fruits of the Spirit wall is actually our classroom rules. The fruit posted on the tree have our rules that demonstrate the Fruits of the Spirit.
When the children come in on Sunday mornings this is our attendance/jobs area. First the children find their name and then bring it across the room to our job chart and CHOOSE their own job.
Here is the job chart I made using velcro so the children can attach their name card to the job they choose that day.
Here is our circle time shelf and entrance wall.
Our language/writing area.
Part of our language/writing area. The children find their name in the stack of cards and use the clipboards to practice writing their name.
Thank you checking out the room!